Shine Everywhere is a community of families and congregations who discover and practice the everywhere habits that grow faith in children.

If you are a parent or caregiver who cares about growing in faith with your children, Shine Everywhere is for you!

And, if you are a pastor, Sunday School teacher, or faith formation leader who would like to understand better how to help parents nurture faith at home, Shine Everywhere is for you!

Shine at Home

Weekly Activities

Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha

Read page 232 in The Peace Table or Luke 10:38–42. Imagine Jesus coming to your house for a visit. What would you do to get ready? Pray a listening prayer. Breathe in and out slowly five times. Imagine God sitting with you. What is God like? Listen for God’s voice. Breath in and out slowly five more times. Say amen. Read Three Hens and a Peacock by Lester L. Laminack or find a read aloud online. What did the hens and the peacock learn from switching places? What could Mary and Martha have learned if they switched places?

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