Faith at Home

Family Blessings

Blessings are prayers that are given and received throughout the Bible. We bless one another with love and affection. We ask for God’s blessings of care, wisdom, and hope for the future. Use the blessing here as a family this week. Notice how you bless one another with your words and actions.

God loves you, ______________, (child’s name)

loves you from head to toe. (Touch child’s head and toe.)

God is with you, ______________, (child’s name)

with you wherever you go. (“Walk” your fingers on your child’s arm.)

Praying with Children

Build a Prayer Place

One way we teach our children to connect and listen to God is to pray with them. With your child, design and create a place to pray and take time to listen to God together. Use special items and battery-operated candles to make your prayer place special. Place comfortable seating in the area to create an inviting family prayer space.

Mealtime Prayer

Thanking God for food at mealtimes is a way to connect faith with daily routines. Sing this prayer to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me.” Add the name of a favorite food and a friend to the two songs with blank spaces:

Thank you, God, for food to eat.
Thank you, God, for friends to meet.
Thank you, God, for joy you bring.
Thank you, God, for all good things.

Thank you, God, for _______________ (name a food) to eat.
Thank you, God, for _______________ (name a person) to meet.
Thank you, God, for joy you bring.
Thank you, God, for all good things. Amen.


Take time for playfulness every day! This kind of engagement does not have to be time-consuming or elaborate. Look for ways to act silly, smile, and have fun together. Play can be joyful for you and your child and gives a chance for children to learn in an active way. Try some of these playful responses:

  • Give thanks to God for creating animals by making animal sounds. Pretend to be a donkey (add some “hee-haws”!) and carry your child on your back while you crawl across the floor.
  • Make yourselves as tall as you can and pretend to be trees together; reach your branches high! Imagine that a wind comes and blows your branches around.
  • Play your favorite song of praise and dance with your child! Hold a piece of cloth or a ribbon, and wave it in time to the music.