Shine Families TALK

Shine Families Talk is part of a monthly series focusing on the “Six Practices that Grow Faith at Home.” Here is an overview of the Six Practices.



Click to download coloring page for Psalm 139

From The Peace Table

Song of Wonder

Psalm 139
A Psalm of David

O Lord, you search me and know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise.
You know my thoughts,
and each path I take.
Even before I speak, you know my words.
You protect me behind and in front.
This is such wonderful news!
It is hard to believe!

Where can I go from you? Where could I hide?
If I go to heaven, you are there.
If I go to the farthest ocean, you are there.
Your hand will safely lead me.
I might say, “The darkness will cover me,
the light will become night.”
But for you, the night is as bright as the day.

You formed me inside and out.
You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am made in a wonderful way.
You knew all about me,
even when I was being made in secret.
In your book you wrote all the days of my life.
Your thoughts are amazing, God.
I could try to count them,
but they are more than the sand on the seashore.

I wish that you would kill all the
bloodthirsty people who want to hurt me.
People speak evil against you, O God.
They rise against you. I hate this.
Search me, O God, and know my heart.
Test me and know my every thought.
See if there is any hurtful way inside me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.



Psalm 91 by Renew Collective (YouTube)

From The Peace Table, page 148

Song of Shelter

Psalm 91

The one who dwells in God’s shelter will be at rest.
I trust in the Lord, who is my refuge and fortress.
God will save me from enemies and illness.
God is like a bird, covering me with feathers,
protecting me under God’s wings.

I won’t fear the dangers of the night
or the terrible things that happen during the day.
I trust in God, who is my refuge and dwelling place.
No disaster will come near my tent.
God’s angels will lift me up.

God says, “I will rescue you and protect you.
I will answer you when you call.
I will be with you in trouble.
I will save you and give you long life.”



“You Are with Me” by The Many from Songs for the Seasons

From The Peace Table, page 152

Song for Traveling

Psalm 121

I lift my eyes to the hills.
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from God,
the great Creator of heaven and earth.

God will not let your foot slip.
God will not fall asleep
but will always watch over you,
just as God watches over Israel.

God is like a shade tree,
protecting you from the bright sun.
God will keep you safe in the moonlit night.

God will keep you from harm,
watching over your life, now and forever.



“I Am Thankful” by Angie Killian Music (YouTube)

From The Peace Table, page 154

Song of Justice

Psalm 146

Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will sing and praise God my whole life.

Do not trust in princes and leaders.
They cannot save you. Their plans die with them.
Happy are those who hope in the Lord,
the great Creator of heaven and earth,
for the Lord is always faithful.

God makes things right for those who are mistreated,
and gives food to people who are hungry.
God sets prisoners free
and gives sight to those who cannot see.
God lifts up people who feel the weight of the world,
and loves when people do what is right.
God watches over the foreigners,
and cares for orphans and widows.

The Lord reigns forever,
for all generations.
Praise the Lord!

Talking Terms: Media Suggestions 


Books: We Are Grateful Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell (Optional YouTube link to interview with author providing background), Gracias/Thanks by Pat Mora, May We Have Enough To Share by Richard Van Camp (YouTube link to Storytime with Kaluhya) 


Video: “All Creatures” by Good Shepherd Collective (YouTube link) 


Videos: “Justice – What’s That Word?” by CrossRoads Kids Club (YouTube link), “Justice” by BibleProject (YouTube link) 

Book: Wally & Freya by Linda Pointer (YouTube link to author reading story)


Books: The Circles All Around Us by Brad Montague (YouTube link to video with the author’s children reading), What is God Like by Rachel Held Evans and Matthew Paul Turner 

Monthly Webpages

Shine Families Talk (November 2024)


Shine Families Celebrate (December 2024)

Click link

Shine Families Learn (January 2025)


Shine Families Serve (February 2025)

Click Link

Shine Families Pray (March 2025)


Shine Families Worship (April 2025)


Feedback to Shine Families Talk

Shine is committed to creating products for families to use at home. To do that, we need families to tell us what they want and need, so THANK YOU for answering these questions!
